South East Sussex Stedfast Association

About the Stedfast Association

The Stedfast Association was launched at the Royal Albert Hall in London in May 1983 (The Boys' Brigade Centenary Year) and initially it existed for past & present members and Supporters of the "The Boys' Brigade" to keep in touch and to provide practical support and assistance. However, since then, it has expanded into a fast growing International Organisation with members world-wide and countless new friendships have been made and many International links have been formed. 

What we do

Social Events

We have a number of social events throughout the year from a simple gathering at the church all to more active outings.

Bible Classes

Once a month we hold a Bible Class at St Leonards-on-Sea Methodist Church led by one of our own members.

Upcoming Events

Our next Bible class is on 23rd June at St Leonards on Sea Methodist Church vestibule at 2:30pm.

August 10th Stedfast walking Tresure Hunt in Battle followed by a BBQ

Stedfast Lunch at the Robin Hood, Icklesham.  Saturday September 21st at 12:30pm.

For further information about any of our events please contact us.

Contact us

If you would like more information or would like to come along to our next event please contact us.
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